Mobile phones is not used just for calling, but sending
text, taking pictures, accessing internet, and much more. Many students bring
their phones to school. For them, mobile phone has many uses. So, mobile phones
should not be banned in school. Why do I said that?
Firstly, students call their parents for other needs. By
mobile phone, student can call or their close relative if they need something
to be brought to school. In addition, mobile phone can be used to call their
children when one of their family were hit by disasters suddenly. And then,
student can called their parent to pick her up when want to go home.
Secondly, increased of knowledge among students. When trying
to find answer of difficult task at school, mobile phone can be used as a
connecting to search the answer through GPRS or Wi-Fi networks.
Finally, expand the network of
friendship among students. School is the right place to find friend. Average,
student been at school about 7 hours or more. So that, a lot of students found
their friend in the school environment . Therefore, communication between
friends should be kept on of which using a mobile phone
So, I think mobile phone should not be banned in school.
But, use your phone in the time and right place so that no one was disturbed.
Why is it called Hortatory
Exposition Text?
Because in the text contains the structure of Hortatory
Exposition Text that is a thesis,
arguments, and recommendation from the writer. And can be seen also that the text use Simple Present
Answers & Questions :
1. What is the purpose of the text?
To persuade the
reader about important mobile phone.
2. Why
the writer said that mobile phone are not banned in school?
Because the writer
has reasons that by the mobile phone students call their parents for other needs, increased of
knowledge among students, expand the network of friendship among students.
3. What is the writer’s
recommendation about?
Use your phone in the time and right
place so that no one was disturbed.
4. What
does the writer to defend the students?
The writer does not defend the
students, only the writer shows that mobile phones are not banned in schools by
giving positive opinions.
5. Do
you think everybody will agree with the text? Why?
Yes, I do. Because
the text is obvious and I am a student also needs the mobile phone for
increased of knowledge as mentioned in the text.
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